Crypsis Challenge #3 Reveal

Did you find the critter hidden in this image?

January 28, 2010 | Caraça Natural Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Ted C. MacRae did and correctly identified it as a stick grasshopper in the family Proscopiidae. As a reward, my next post will be a tiger beetle.

If you still need help finding it, here’s an outline and a cropped version.



Hopefully this one was bit more challenging. I didn’t spot the critter in this setting. It was originally higher up in some foliage and only jumped to the ground in a failed effort to escape my photographic pursuit.

Note the short antenna which makes it easy to distinguish these from walkingsticks.

Side View

Castner mentions that these insects are occasionally called “Nixon grasshoppers” because their face resembles a caricature of the former president with exaggerated jowls. What do you think?


Here’s one with a missing foreleg  I encountered a few days earlier. With an extended forehead, it might be a different species.

January 28, 2010 | Side View

Dorsal View



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3 Responses to Crypsis Challenge #3 Reveal

  1. “Nixon grasshopper” – that’s hysterical.

  2. Pingback: A Walkingstick with Wings : Nature Closeups

  3. Pingback: Crypsis Challenge #13 Reveal: Jumping Stick : Nature Closeups

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