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Mating Wasp Mimics

January 28, 2010 | Caraça Natural Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Normal disclaimers apply (flies are difficult to identify), but these mating flies might be a Systropus species.

Did you think they might be wasps? They are almost certainly wasp mimics.

Don’t be fooled by what appears to be an extra wing on the one to the right. That’s just a trick of the camera.

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Caraça Tiger Beetles

January 27, 2010 | Caraça Natural Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

I encountered a handful of these tiger beetles. At least, I think that’s what these are. I hope I don’t embarrass myself.

Most of them were up in trees and bushes as suggested by the first photo. I only encountered one on the ground.

From a distance, I mistook the first one for a large ant. Indeed, they move more like an ant than what I expect from a tiger beetle. I believe they may in fact be mimicking ants, and I found some references to back that up. None gave even a general identification though, so I wasn’t able to search for any online photos. read more

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Assassin Bug Mimicking Bee

January 26, 2010 | Caraça Natural Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Tropical assassin bugs come in an amazing variety of forms. This one reminds me of a bee, though I didn’t see anything on my trip that might serve as a model. Despite extensive searching of the internet, I didn’t turn up any photos of a species resembling this individual.

A couple of my books do mention assassin bugs that mimic bees and wasps, so I think that’s probably what’s going on here.



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Fuzzy Jewel Beetle

January 26, 2010 | Caraça Natural Park, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Quick! What is it? From this angle, you might mistake this jewel beetle for a bee.

The beetle was feeding on the purplish flowers. Purple in, purple out.

Side view

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Jumping Spider Subdues Carpenter Ant

June 16, 2009 | Twelvestones, Roswell, GA, USA

I found this pair on a viburnum in my backyard. What looks like a male Phidippus whitmani has subdued what I assume is a winged reproductive carpenter ant.

I didn’t notice while I was taking pictures, but while reviewing them I saw that a little fly arrived to share in the spoils.

Fly arriving

Fly on ant

Posted in Easter Eggs, Featured Photos | 1 Comment